New Detroit-Focused Podcasts Offer Advice, Comedy and History

By: Karen Dybis | March 29, 2021
New Podcasts

Photo Courtesy of Motor City Woman/Prohibition Detroit podcast

Podcasts have become huge as a form of entertainment over the past few years. Metro Detroit is part of this larger trend with dozens of new shows ranging in topics from sports, history, family and more. 

Robin Kinnie is the President of Motor City Woman and Audio Engineers of Detroit, specializing in podcast production, digital radio and audio engineering. For the past five years, she has dedicated herself and her business to creating a platform for underrepresented voices in broadcasting and podcasting.

Besides helping women develop digital-radio shows, Kinnie works with people who are interested in working in podcasts. That’s especially important over the past year when the pandemic had more people thinking about sharing their messages, marketing and insights through podcasting. 

Kinnie, who recently completed a book called “The Top 10 Mistakes New Podcasters Make,” believes that the best podcasts are narrowly focused and let the creators offer their listeners deep dives into the topic. She hopes her work helps elevate voices in this way, getting people in front of those all-important ears in Metro Detroit and around the world. 

“Do you. Don’t try to be what you think will sell or like another podcast,” Kinnie said. “The listener is going to pick up on that. Be your authentic self and believe me it will resonate with your audience.”

Her work in media, radio and leading a community-focused business harkens back to influential female Detroit broadcasters such as Marth Jean Steinberg, also known as “The Queen.”

Steinberg taught Kinnie that strong female voices are needed both on air and, as the medium expanded, on podcasts. 

Like The Queen, podcasters “have to find your community,” Kinnie said. “You have to find your niche. You can’t be for everyone. There’s enough of the pie to go around.”

Some of Kinnie’s shows that she produces at Motor City Woman include the newly launched Motor City history podcast Detroit Drinks History with Prohibition expert Mickey Lyons, Unfiltered Moms with the founder of Detroit Moms Elizabeth Lewis and Thriving with ADD with host and parent advocate Cherise Patterson. 

Here are some other new Metro Detroit podcasts that are great listens for podcast fans. 

Brave by Design

Creator Laura Khalil is a vibrant, outspoken advocate for communicating well and loudly about what matters to her and her clients. She started Brave by Design in January 2020 to help women in male-dominated industries rise. The show has quickly become one of the Top 125 Business podcasts in Apple Podcasts.

Detroit Strange

Imagine if you could listen in on the cocktail-laden discussions of two people who adore local history? Friends Jessica Cooper and Alex Suriano do just that on Detroit Strange from Planet Ant. In this podcast, they explore and celebrate the strange and unusual history of Detroit with a side of humor. It’s definitely ooky spooky.

Untold Detroit

Beer with the Detroit Historical Society: This podcast tells the whole story of how beer helped create the Motor City. As new immigrant populations came to Detroit, they each brought their unique beer styles to the city. Senior Curator at the Detroit Historical Society Joel Stone hosts the podcast with beer historian Stephen Johnson and Detroit historian Tom Klug. 

Once Upon a Feminist

Dating in general isn’t always easy but it was especially challenging during the pandemic. Artist Sarey Ruden uses her podcast to discuss and navigate the intersection of online dating and feminism. Is happily ever after just an illusion? She tells her own stories as well as seeks expert advice on her quest to rewrite the fairytale.